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[STEP 1] SSPI/Schannel string literals voting process

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 17:26:06 +0200

Hi friends,

Given our inability to reach consensus on this matter, and as
indicated by Daniel Stenberg in we are initiating this
voting process in order to find out which two string literals are the
ones to be used in curl and libcurl for two different although related

1) First questioned string literal is the result of function
Curl_schannel_version(), this string literal is also displayed in the
output of "curl --version" on its very first line when built with
'Schannel' support.

2) Second questioned string literal is the one to use when running
configure script or any other 'build system' in order to indicate that
'Schannel' support is desired when building the software. This second
string literal when used for the configure script will actually be
'--with-something' where the 'something' part ir preferred to be
lowercase. When used for other build systems it might look like
preferred to be uppercase. As a consequence, and to avoid mixing other
matters, we are only questioning here the 'something' or 'SOMETHING'
string literal part.

Point-A) The only requisite for those that whish to participate in
this voting process is that previously to this moment they must have
posted at least once in life to either curl-library or curl-users
mailing lists, and that the message can be found if needed at mailing
list archives or

Point-B) Step 1 (or candidates-step) of this process starts at this
very moment and ends at 00:00:01 GMT of June 29 2012.

During Step 1 anyone meeting Point-A can provide at most five string
candidates for each questioned literal. In order to do so, simply
reply to this thread using the next format in the body of the message.
Don't provide arguments, only candidates. No need to cc both lists,
replying to one of them is enough.



Nearly all candidate literals will be considered, common sense says
something such as "ButTheDogAteMyHomeWork" must be discarded. So If
you are going to propose a string literal candidate which has already
been proposed you can simply skip proposing it.

Point-C) Step 2 (or first-voting-round) of this process will start on
June 29 2012 when a message with subject "[STEP 2] SSPI/Schannel
string literals voting process" is posted on curl-library and
curl-users mailing lists. This message will contain all
Version_Literal and Config_Literal strings sorted in alphabetical
order, gathered from Step-1, which can be voted. This step will end at
00:00:01 GMT of July 4 2012.

During Step 2 anyone meeting Point-A will be able to vote for two
different Version_Literal strings and for two different Config_Literal
strings, which accounts for a total of four preferences.

Point-D) Step-3 (or last-voting-round) of this process will start on
July 4 2012 when a message with subject "[STEP 3] SSPI/Schannel string
literals voting process" is posted on curl-library and curl-users
mailing lists. This message will contain at least two Version_Literal
and two Config_Literal strings. These will be two top voted for each
literal, there might be more than two for each literal in case of tie.
This step will end at 00:00:01 GMT of July 9 2012.

During Step 3 anyone meeting Point-A will be able to vote for one
Version_Literal string and for one Config_Literal string of those
indicated on message with subject "[STEP 3] SSPI/Schannel string
literals voting process".

Point-E) Step-4 (or result) of this process will start on July 9 2012
when a message with subject "[RESULT] SSPI/Schannel string literals
voting process" is posted on curl-library and curl-users mailing
lists. This message will contain most voted Version_Literal and most
voted Config_Literal strings from Step-3. Hopefully this should result
in just one of each kind. In case of tie, Daniel Stenberg has power to
break any tie existing at this last point.

Resuming: Those meeting Point-A, can propose candidate strings and
enjoy a two round voting of these.

Please keep this thread clean of matters irrelevant to this process.
When in doubt about something re-read this message first.

Don't reply to this thread unless you are proposing string candidates
and meet Point-A.

Thanks for your cooperation,

List admin:
Received on 2012-06-22