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unable to read remote file via curl-proxy-sftp (command line) - Permission denied

From: Stephen Chai <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 18:25:54 -0700 (PDT)

Hi curl-users,  I am trying to reach a remote sftp server and read (download) a file that is behind a proxy.  The command I am using:       curl -v -x [proxyServer]:[proxyPort] -U [proxyUser]:[proxyPassword] --proxytunnel --insecure -u [sftpUserA]:[sftpPassword] sftp://[sftpserver]/[targetFile] The issue is that I received permission denied error in return:      curl: (9) Could not open remote file for reading: Permission denied The permission of the remote file is: -rw-rw----    1 sftpUserB groupA    24368 Mar 14 15:26 targetFile The sftp user I used to log in  (sftpUserA) belongs to the same groupA as sftpUserB. Based on the group rights given, I should be able to read and write the targetFile. I have tested that I am able to rename & delete the targetFile; just not able to read it. So it seems the "w" rights is working. I have tried to search about this error but couldn't find more information pertaining to my scenario. Any advice or direction to check will be much appreciated. Thanks. - Stephen Chai -

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Received on 2013-04-04