cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: http GET response is not received by curl where as it is received by the kernel

From: David Cuthbert <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 14:11:58 -0700

On May 24, 2014, at 3:31 AM, Guru Prasad <> wrote:
> Interesting part is: during this stage, if 'iptables -L' command is issued, poll() or select() in curl returns indicating about the data.

This sounds like a kernelspace issue rather than a cURL issue. I've seen iptables do some, well, *interesting* things with packets (at least on the long-in-tooth RHEL5.x systems I'm stuck with).

To verify this, remove cURL from the equation and try a basic C program which talks somewhere on port 80, e.g.:

If that fails in the same way, you know the problem is in the kernel layer.

Hope this helps.

List admin:
Received on 2014-05-24