cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: simple/weird question

From: Bundy <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 21:37:48 +1000


My apologies for doing what newbers do and thank you for pointing out my
mistakes if it were not for your direction I don't think I would be on my
way to newbolescence in netiquette. I believe I have a better understanding
on how to control my gmail not to top post (only just learned that is a
real thing today because of you!!! Sweet) but like most things I'm going to
be wrong and you are gonna have to smash me with logician expertness (Dude).

On the topic of quotes I have no farken idea what that means but I'm going
to guess it might be tied to my normal reply and top posting mistakes.?!??

As for curl being featureless where incoming stream is concerned I ask why
then does the outgoing stream have assistance with the --crlf option? Where
is the love for duplex/bidirectional? How come the upstream gets all the
attention? Why does the oldest sibling always get everything first and the
youngers only get their hand me downs. =P

Curious as always but learning along the way thanks to your curl crew!!!



List admin:
Received on 2015-12-01