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RE: PHP/Curl: Any Way to Follow a REFRESH Meta Tag?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 01:42:42 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sat, 12 May 2001, Keller, Bryan wrote:

> 1. Client sends http request with username/password to server

Is this HTTP authorization, or is it a HTML form?

> 2. Server matches u/p, sends back cookies (one of which containes the
> username and the base64 encoded password), and a location header pointing to
> the login function of the application

... so then it'll expect all your upcoming requests to send back that cookie,
so that it can verify that you've been authorized... Are you doing that?

> 3. Login function does logic to figure out permissions, etc. and sends a
> meta refresh tag
> 4. At this point, you extract the refresh URL, and put it in a string.
> Problem is you have to start a new curl instance (discontinuing your
> authenticated status)

There's basically only two ways a client can keep "state information" such as
this. One way is parameters passed to the right side of a '?' in the URL, and
the other is by using cookies. The server CAN NOT keep state information
between client requests, because for all it knows, the next request could be
from an entirely different client/browser.

This certainly sounds as if "your" server is based on cookies.

Then you only need to tell curl what cookies to use to pass to the server
when you get the 'refresh page'.

There is actually no such thing as "authenticated status". The HTTP client
has to prove itself in every single request. It won't get anything for free
just because it just made a request.

> and pass the username/password again, causing the server to redirect you
> back to the login function, and send you the refresh again...

It does that because it doesn't get the proper "proof" that you're
authenticated. You probably must pass cookies back that you don't.

> I guess if somehow curl could follow the refresh tag, like it does the
> location headers, it might work, or am I way off?

Not entirely, I just don't think you've gotten the full picture yet.

In the lack of details, let me guess freely how things could be done:

1. Get the initial form-page, fill in your name/password with a POST.

2. Read the page you get back, store the headers with the interesting
   cookies. This page also has a refresh tag to another page.

3. Parse the page to find the new page to fetch.

4. Request the new page, pass the stored headers and tell curl to use those
   cookies when doing so.

... or at what point does it fail?

  Daniel Stenberg -- curl project maintainer --
Curl-and-php mailing list
Received on 2001-05-13