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Re: File Postilating Errornation

From: Steve Keller <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 14:32:11 -0800

At 6/5/2003 12:01 AM, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> This is causing a rfc1867 (multpart) formpost. Is that really what you want?

Well, I'll admit, you've got me there. I always thought there was only one
kind of multi-part post :)

I've tried setting CURLOPT_POST to do an URL-encoded post, but get the same
result. What would you suggest?

> Can you show us the HTML of the input form that you try to automate?

Aye, there's my trouble. I have a feeling nobody's done this before with
NetLedger, even tho' they pimp it as one of the services they offer.
There's little or no documentation on actually sending server-to-server
posts in their development docs. They give you a URL, and about three pages
of info on certificate generation; the rest of their guides are on the XML,
and the entire development process for this has been me begging for help
where I can get it, and I don't mind admitting to being a bit out of my
element on it, so if I sound like an idiot who doesn't know what he's
talking about, it's because I am and I've been getting a crash course in
this stuff.

What I've done is try to using the form from their UI version as a guide,
and this is the form on that page:

        <form id='main_form' name='main_form' method='post'
        Select XML Document to Upload.&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class='text' type="file"
        <INPUT type='submit' class='bgbutton' value='Submit' id='submitter'
        <INPUT type='button' class='bgbutton' value='Reset' id='resetter'

I used the same field names and changed the destination URL, although I
just noticed the query fields there, and I'm wondering if I should try them.

S. Keller
UI Engineer
The Health TV Channel, Inc.
(a non - profit organization)
3820 Lake Otis Pkwy.
Anchorage, AK 99508
907.770.6200 ext.220
907.336.6205 (fax)
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Received on 2003-06-05