cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


parallel execution

From: imran khalid <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 11:07:08 +0000


I want to collect data from more than 10 sites by using CURL

$URL1 = ";
$URL2 = ";
$URL3 = ";
$URL4 = ";
$URL5 = ";
$URL6 = ";
$URL7 = ";
$URL8 = ";
$URL9 = ";
$URL10 = ";

This take long time becuse my PHP script execute line by line for fecthing
the data by $result = curl_exec ($ch);

Suppose $URL1 take 15 seconds to fecth data so whole script will take 10 x
15 = 150 seconds. is there a way that all 10 URLs run in paralle and all
takes only 15 seconds?

Is there any why that i send query to all these 10 sites in
parallel[samultaniously] and all 10 results execute as parallel execution to
save the time?

How can i minimize the execution of getting data from more than 10 sites?
Any idea of parallel processing ?

How will then i shall sum the 10 parallel results in one page?

Imran Khalid

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Received on 2003-06-09