cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


2 questions: keep-alives and http compression

From: Gaetano Giunta <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 11:01:45 +0200

Sorry if these questions have been answered already on the mailing list: I had trouble findind precise and definitive answers:

1 - keep-alives:
is it possible to send multiple http requests from PHP-curl without closing the socket to the HTTP server? If so, how can it be enabled/disabled?

2 - compression: does the support for CURL receiving compressed data does depend upon compile-time options (ie explicit linking with zlib vs. php linking with zlib)? what happens if curl is compiled without that support and the PHP coder sets CURLOPT_ENCODING to 'gzip'? will curl send the gzip header to the sender and then pass un-decompressed data back to PHP?

Received on 2005-07-04