cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


HTTP Protocol

From: Amaury Willemant <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:55:22 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Everyone and thanx for replying so quickly each time !

Today, I connected easily on a site (with Firefox ans with curl) and I arrived on the good web page which represents a form. I traced the HTTP headers with LiveHTTPHeaders(Firefox extension) and I managed to send the same with curl (thanks winmerge...). The problem is that I receive an "security-alert-page" instead of the results.
I thought it was my fault but I manage to have this error when I replay a request twice with LiveHTTPHeaders. Maybe the server does not accept the same request twice but why does it work when I refresh the page with F5 ???? I think I'll become mad !

what kind of security can it be ?
Please Help !

Thank you in advance and sorry for my poor english ! (maybe too difficult for a snail-eater !)


Received on 2006-06-13