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question: ssl through proxies

From: Gaetano Giunta <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:47:03 +0200


I just discovered the joys of http 1.0 extension for tunneling ssl through proxies.

I maintain some http client code, that takes advantage of curl when available. It should properly parse responses that gotten back from https-connected web servers via a tunnelling proxy.

Do you think it is correct to use this check to extract the http headers inserted by the proxy in such a situation?

                // Support "web-proxy-tunelling" connections for https through proxies
                                if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 Connection established/', $data))
                                        // Look for CR/LF or simple LF as line separator,
                                        // (even though it is not valid http)
                                        $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
                                        if($pos || is_int($pos))
                                                $bd = $pos+4;
                                                $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n");
                                                if($pos || is_int($pos))
                                                        $bd = $pos+2;
                                                        // No separation between response headers and body: fault?
                                                        $bd = 0;

the part that leaves me most wondering is checking for the string "Connection established": do you happen to know some proxies that use slight variations on the formula?

Any other known quirks? Do I risk loosing some useful information if I discard all http headers sent by the proxy itself?

Note that curl apparently works, since it gives no errors in retrieving the response (and I need to get back form curl a response with full http headers included).

Gaetano Giunta

Received on 2006-09-05