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RE: Red Hat Enterprise and cURL

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:51:44 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Gaetano Giunta wrote:

> Isn't 7.16.2 the best one? I even saw in the changelog that coverity
> reported bugs hjave been fixed ... ;)

Yes, but when I replied I hadn't yet released 7.16.2, but now I have so now
7.16.2 is what I recommend!

(BTW those coverity bugs really weren't very serious ones.)

> BTW: one question: I have some code using curlopt_returntransfer = 1
> I check for the return value of curl exec, eg. if (($out = curl_exec($ch))
> != '') to catch any error situation, but I've seen other code explicitly
> checking for curl_errno() after calling exec(). Is it more correct, ie. are
> there cases where a succesful transfer would return an empty string or
> vice-versa?

I leave that to someone else to respond to, as that option is added by the
PHP/CURL code and I'm a bit lost there...

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Received on 2007-04-12