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Header Request Question

From: John Ricci <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:33:14 -0700


I am wondering what is the best method to just return the header from
a request. My problem is that over 50% of the servers I have tested
disallow HEAD type requests so using CURLOPT_NOBODY in the request
results in returning.

HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

So why can CURL not just send a GET/POST request and only read up to
the end of the header.

// set to method GET
// use GET but only read the header and return it
CURLOPT_NOBODY, true // yuk, this switches back to a HEAD request

I ask this, because there are times when developing that you need to
test the header before attempting to get the body content, so as to
maybe test the content type or content length before sending a second
request for the body, this way if the header test(s) return what your
application allows, send a request for the body, if it doesn't you
will save time from downloading what you don't need.

Thanks for reading...

Received on 2007-04-18