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TLSv1 Application Data

From: David Colter <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 14:40:28 -0800 (PST)

Need help. Please point a direction to proceed.

I've taken a few days break trying to find other options to the stalemate. Can anyone advise if curl will enable a script to send and receive 'application data' in TLSv1 SSL mode (uncovered with Wireshark)? When I type in the info, I can see what looks like hex code for a length of 35 in TLSv1 and a response of 48 in TLSv1 and 3 more frames for a total of 5 frames being transfered. 3 were TLS and 2 were TCP. There seems to be an acknowledgement to each of these frames except the first. This pattern goes on for each entry that I make and send to the remote system.

This application data is normally handled by a Java applet in the browser. So far, I've been unable to get a copy of the .jar file for reverse engineering.

Is this what the FTP functions of cURL are able to do? I'm basically trying to build an 'emulator' to perform the function of my company's 'host terminal emulator'.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will try all suggestions, but I'm kinda in the dark.

David Colter

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Received on 2007-12-26