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How do I post variables when the post variables change.

From: Chad Best <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:25:44 -0400


I am trying to create a webbot that will automatically place a
pre-order on to going to a product page
and clicking on "Match My Price"). I have been able to successfully
go through all the necessary steps to creating a pre-order by having
curl post the necessary variables, except the next to last page.

The next to last page posts 8 variables, 2 of which change. I can
tell that they change, because I have a script that analyzes a form to
see what variables are received. The post variables that change are
called "x" and "y". I thought that maybe there was javascript
involved that was changing those variables. However, I removed the
javascript portion of the code in the html source and sent it to my
form analyzer and those variables still change! If I do not send
those variables, I will not be directed to the correct page.

I have setup two files on my domain to illustrate what I mean. If you
go to http://www.bestdiscountmedia.comhalfauthentication6.html and
click on "place my pre-order", you will see what I mean.

I am fairly new at this, so any help is greatly appreciated.
Received on 2009-04-15