

From: Wojciech Zwiefka <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 10:54:28 +0100

I'm just testing pycurl with libcurl 7.12.2 on Win32

According to the manual:
[...] to receive the total time, in seconds, it took for ALL (!!!!) redirection steps include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before final transaction was started.

But after some testing now I believe it returns (at least under pycurl) only time for the last redirection.

I've made a series of redirections with a different delay inserted before sending 'Location:' header for each URL. And it shows that pycurl returns REDIRECT_TIME only for the last redirect. It correctly returns REDIRECT_COUNT.

I think it's a bug, or I don't understand how to use it.


Czarodzieje sceny z Rosji - Moscow City Ballet - już w grudniu
w Polsce: światowa premiera baletu "Romeo i Julia" S. Prokofiewa
i doskonały "Don Kichot" L. Minkusa!

Received on 2004-11-12