cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Sending Large files via CURLOPT_HTTPPOST ?

From: Jeff Anderson <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:16:54 -0700

Hi all. Sorry if this is a newbie problem but:
I am using Curllib (7.9.7 on Win32 from C++) to post binary files via
HTTP. It works great for any file up to a certain size (haven't spent
the time to narrow it down exactly). But a file of 1,691,648 posted
fine, and a file of 3,059,712 bytes fails with error code 55
(CURLE_SEND_ERROR). I know that my serverside code can take the large
files, so I assume this is some sort of buffer overrun. I am using the
POSTEDFILESIZE option, but it doesn't make any difference.

Can anyone help me? Thank you very much and please excuse the newbie
question. My code is below:


int HttpPostFile(const CString &LocalFile, long FileSize){
 int RetVal = 0;
 CURL* CurlHandle = curl_easy_init(); //init curl functions and return

 struct HttpPost* post = NULL;
 struct HttpPost* last = NULL;
 /* Add simple file section */
 curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "MyFile",

 /* Add file/contenttype section */
 curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "MyFile",
                   CURLFORM_FILE, LocalFile,
                   CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "application/binary",

 /* Set the form info */
 curl_easy_setopt(CurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, FileSize);
 curl_easy_setopt(CurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, post);
 curl_easy_setopt(CurlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, m_HttpFilePostUrl);
 RetVal = curl_easy_perform(CurlHandle); //perform the post
 curl_formfree(post); //free memory for form
 curl_easy_cleanup(CurlHandle); //free curl session
 return RetVal;

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Received on 2002-06-26