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new man page layout on the web site

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 15:58:29 +0100 (CET)

Hi friends

For a long time, I've been annoyed by how the man pages look on the curl web
site (not the least because the script often decided to hide various sections
from the user), and after having looked around for a decent converter program
I decided everything existing is crap and I wrote my own! ;-)

Now, I've converted the site (and the mirrors will catch up soon)
to use this new tool for this purpose.

I hope this will result in more good-looking web pages, but I'm posting this
here to ask you all to keep your eyes open for bugs in this area and to report
problems. Already, I think this works a lot better and produces much nicer
pages than the previous script ever did.

This new script (dubbed 'roffit') is of course freely available in case you
feel like helping out to improve it. I have some good ideas on how to improve
it further, but as usual everything requires that precious time thing we never
have enough of.

Also, the new pages use a large set of CSS classes but I haven't fiddled that
much with them yet, so if anyone out there is reading this and can think of
some good CSS improvements... speak up! ;-)

PS, the new script also marks all sections and subsections with <a name> tags
so that we can post links directly to documented sections such as these:


 Daniel - been obfuscating curl source code since 1998.
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Received on 2003-11-05