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Re: curl fails to connect, when server is up after being down for a long time

From: mini thomas <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:34:47 -0700 (PDT)

The application is using only one curl handle. Handle has all parameters set .
  The handle is being used infinitely to post data (Each time a new post data is set and curl_easy_perform is called)
  Will this kind of usage cause any problem , specially when server goes down for some time and starts responding after that ???
  (I have been running the application for weeks , if server is up all the time things are fine)

Dan Fandrich <> wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 03:26:30AM -0700, mini thomas wrote:
> So what exactly happens when it fails to connect?
> If I enable verbose, the following prints will be there in the log
> "not connected.
> Closing connection #0"
> ( When the connection fails the application will try connecting again)

So, are you saying it *does* continue operation? It just opens another
connection? That's expected behaviour. If you're sending data when the
connection is down, TCP will time out and curl will close the connection.
When you send data the next time, curl will open a new connection.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2007-10-12