cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: Build using CMake

From: Gary Maxwell <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 01:28:20 -0700

Andy Lego wrote:
> I did the initial cmakifying of libcurl for CMake itself and I am
> willing to do work to get things working for the formal libcurl
> release. But, since I did this several times over the past years, I am
> only willing to do this if there will be some long term maintanance.
> other words, I would like to see the Curl community to adopt CMake as
> build system on all platforms in addition or in replacement to the
> current build systems. This is the only way the build system will stay
> up-to-date.

And that seems to be a common theme of this thread and its incarnations
over the years. Nobody in the "Curl community" has stepped up, raised a
hand, and taken ownership beyond the initial implementation. IMO, that's
the major reason that development has stalled in the past.

Received on 2009-03-31