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Re: having trouble using curl with https.

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:36:51 +0100 (MET)

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001, Mike Brown wrote:

> This is a common problem, in which I really wish the Curl team would
> post support information on their website about it.

We (if I would speak for "the Curl team") desperately need information in
order to post that "support information".

As we don't have any, we can't post any.

In general, people ask questions here when they have a problem they can't fix
themselves, then they never get back again when they've solved it. Thus, all
we get to see is a series of problem reports without ever learning what the
solutions are.

I am a pretty lousy representative for the curl team here, as I've never
coded a single line of PHP! If anyone feels like stepping in and helping out
the curl team in this area, feel free to contribute anything you think will
improve the situation!

> The fix that I found to work, was to install PHP 4.1 (yes, it's not an
> official release, but it fixes the problem). From what I found, Curl
> changed their API in May 2001, which caused it to stop working with PHP
> for https.

I know this is what is said in a PHP bug report, but it is in fact not the
true reason. There was a change in the API, yes, but it was made backwards
compatible so that unmodified previous old code works fine with the new API.
The problem in the php4/ext/curl.c code is that it was adjusted to the new
API, but not done correctly.

However, some people claim they use SSL with curl and PHP 4.0.6, which
contradicts this.

    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2001-11-26