cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


RE: Retrieving XML file through an HTTP url requiring athentication

From: Theron Patrick - Metro Apt Locators/ Metro Relocation <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 10:57:53 -0600

i found a more primitive fsockopen technique but then i found out it was a
problem with my isp restricting curl and fsockopen and i was getting a
permission denied error
here is the fsockopen technique that i was able to use at an isp that didn;t
support cURL
i also created a simple parser here without using xml_parser but it doesn;lt
do any error checking for input or output
but it worked fine for what i needed.
you will need to modify the custom xml start and the first part of post data
for your particular host

//script by Theron Patrick
// pullpage function by Nick bouton

$CustomerID = "123456";
$method = "POST";
$host = "[hostserver]"; //just ending in the .com not the whole url
$usepath="[path]"; //the relative path on the srve to the xml post file

//add output tags as necessary to the xml_array.
//only tags in the xml_array will be output.
// They should be set to the matching input form variable so that the form
variable will be input or
//if no form variable submitted the computed output will be sent out

//sample inputs/output


// create first part of xml post data
$postdata .="<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><RecordSet><CustomerID>". $CustomerID

//create middle record data of xml post

while (list($key, $value) = each
       $postdata.= "<". $key.">" .$value."</".$key .">";

// append last part of xml post data
$postdata .="</Record></RecordSet>";

// if custom xml disregard above and use custom xml instead
// also, you can comment out the form and post directly to this php script
// setting the posted xml variable name to custom_xml


$postdata ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><RecordSet><CustomerID>". $CustomerID
."</CustomerID>". $custom_xml . "</RecordSet>";


//if you do not want the form to show you can comment out the line below

function pullpage( $method, $host, $usepath, $postdata) {
# open socket to filehandle
$fp = fsockopen( $host, 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 120 );

# user-agent name
//$ua = "Mozilla/1.0";

if( !$fp ) {
    print "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n";
else {
    if( $method == "GET" ) {
        fputs( $fp, "GET $usepath HTTP/1.0\n");
    else if( $method == "POST" ) {
        fputs( $fp, "POST $usepath HTTP/1.0\n");

    fputs( $fp, "User-Agent: ".$ua."\n");
    fputs( $fp, "Accept: */*\n");

    if( $method == "POST" ) {
        $strlength = strlen($postdata);

        fputs( $fp,
        "Content-type: text/xml\n");
        fputs( $fp, "Content-length: ".$strlength."\n\n");
        fputs( $fp, $postdata."\n");

    fputs( $fp, "\n");

    $output = "";

    # while content exists, keep retrieving document in 1K chunks
    while( !feof( $fp ) ) {
        $output .= fgets( $fp, 1024 );


return $output;

//To call pullpage() via HTTP POST, do the following:

$return_content = pullpage( "POST", $host,
   $usepath , $postdata);

//echo $return_content . "<BR>end of xml output<BR>";

//create loop and extract single record for multiple record return
while (ereg('<Record>',$return_content)){
$start = "<Record>";
$end = "</Record>";
$startpos = strpos($return_content, $start);
$endpos = strpos($return_content, $end)+ strlen($end);
$record_content = trim(substr($return_content, $startpos,

//remove record content from xml output
$return_content = trim(substr($return_content, $startpos
+strlen($record_content), strlen($return_content)));
//echo "Record content" . $record_content . "<BR>";
//echo "Return content" . $return_content . "<BR>";

echo "<B>NEW RECORD:</B><BR><table>";

while (list($key, $value) = each
$start ="<". $key.">";
$end = "</".$key .">";
$startpos = strpos($record_content, $start) + strlen($start);
$endpos = strpos($record_content, $end);
$output_array[$key] = trim(substr($record_content, $startpos,
if (!strpos($record_content, $start)){$output_array[$key]="";}

// $output_array[$key] is the returned value for the $key you are looking
// for example $output_array['Price'] will give you the Price returned by
the xml server
// the example code echoed here puts the values into a table and creates a
separate table for each record
echo "

<TR><TD align = \"right\">".$key ."</TD><TD>&nbsp; -- &nbsp;</TD><TD>" .
$output_array[$key] ."</TD></TR>";


echo "</table>";



  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 3:24 AM
  Subject: Retrieving XML file through an HTTP url requiring athentication

        Hello everybody and Happy New Year 2004!

        I have a question for you all:

        I need to retrieve an XML file from an ASP server, so that I can use
it with PHP and XSLT to use the informations the way I want.
        The XML file is generated through an ASPX page under http and it
need a password to be accessible.
        My problem is that if I use the address directly into my borwser
        http : // username:passw@ www /ghj/trioze.aspx , my
browser displays correctly the page.
        Now, using cURL with this code:

          echo "Initializing cURL session...<br>";
          $ch = curl_init("http : // www /ghj/trioze.aspx ");
          echo "Setting cURL options...<br>";
          //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http : // www
/ghj/trioze.aspx ");
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "username:passw");
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
          echo "Executing cURL options...<br>";

        I get a 401 Acces Denied error. I know the aspx request is made
through the 'get' method. I know also that cURL is using the same method.
Why does it not work? Is there any additionnal informations I need to send
with the curl_setopt()? Maybe it is too obvious and I am not getting it.
        If anybody can help, that would be fantastic!

        Many thanks anyway!


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Received on 2004-01-02