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Re: curl multi mysteriously returns no data at random times

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 17:17:09 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Nayeem Syed wrote:

>> Do you have any curl-related logging enabled that shows what curl does or
>> doesn't do when it fails?
> in the php class we made we make a log of what curl returns and we get a
> blank string logged when this happens. i dont know of any ways to log curl
> at a lower level.

In the PHP/CURL binding the abilities are very weak and if you have no other
means, it'll be very hard to understand you're issues. Unfortunately, there
doesn't seem to be anyone interested enough to add proper tracing ability to

If you can't use the command line's --trace-ascii option or set the
CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION in the library, it will be next to impossible to solve

>> Do you need 200 threads to make it fail or does it happen with less as
>> well?
> no sometimes it happens with much less threads. but an apache restart seems
> to fix it when it happens with less processes. today we had two occurances
> of this during the day, both times the server hit 190 simultaneous users.
> earlier in the day we had over 500 simultaneous users but had no problems
> with curl.

Can it be an out-of-memory situation? 500 x 9 connections is gonna use a whole
lot of memory, especially if you download data to memory...

>> How many sockets/connections can you handle in a single process (all
>> threads taken together)?
> i am not sure where I should look for it. We are running apache2 and there
> doesnt seem to be any httpd.conf on it.

If you're running apache2 with forks instead of threads, then it shouldn't be
a problem and since you say you _can_ use 500 x 9 without problems it proves
that this isn't an issue.

> does curl create processes or threads?

Neither. It doesn't create processes nor threads.

      Daniel Stenberg -- --
       Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2005-02-21