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[ curl-Bugs-1339230 ] Curl sends incorrect Ranges header

From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 00:18:38 -0700

Bugs item #1339230, was opened at 2005-10-27 07:16
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by jazfresh
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Category: http
Group: bad behaviour
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Jaz Fresh (jazfresh)
Assigned to: Daniel Stenberg (bagder)
Summary: Curl sends incorrect Ranges header

Initial Comment:
When using the --range option, it is possible to
specify a malformed "Range" header to the webserver.

The docs say that "--range 9500" "specifies the bytes
from offset 9500 and forward". However if this type of
range is specified on the command line, the actual
range header that is sent is:

"Range: 9500"

This is incorrect, because it does not fit in with the
HTTP/1.1 Range header specification.

The specification states that a range with a start
boundary but no end boundary should be written as
"<start>-". So in this case, the above example should
actually read:

"Range: 9500-"

It would be nice if you could either:
- Warn the user if they attempt to send a single digit
as a range
- Detect that the user has specified a single digit as
a range and automatically append a '-' to it in the header.


>Comment By: Jaz Fresh (jazfresh)
Date: 2005-10-27 07:18

Logged In: YES

Sorry, slight inaccuracy in my description. The actual range
sent is
"Range: bytes=9500"
and should be:
"Range: bytes=9500-"


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Received on 2005-10-27

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