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Re: QUIC or HTTP/3 and proxy

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2021 12:25:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 17 Sep 2021, donovan o'hara via curl-users wrote:

> with a curl version that supports QUIC, I can use the -x parameter to
> specify a proxy and notice that curl will actually make a QUIC CONNECT
> request to the proxy server specified.

curl's HTTP/3 support is still marked experimental and there's a lot of
functionality not yet there. Proper proxy support is one of those things. I'm
not even sure there are that many proxies that actually support HTTP/3

Also, HTTP/3 can't be proxied over a non-HTTP/3 proxy, since HTTP/3 means QUIC
and QUIC is UDP which can't just be "proxied" over a TCP based HTTP proxy as
for the older HTTP versions.

So yes, ultimately we should support HTTP/3 proxies specified with -x I think.
I can't see any reason why not. But it can also be noted that we also actually
don't support HTTP/2 to the proxy yet.

We still have a lot of known bugs in the HTTP/3 implementation:

The reason for this situation is the good old: nobody has sponsored this work
while at the same time other things have been getting more focus and effort
from me. I assume we will get there in time.

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Received on 2021-09-18