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Re: Has the time come to drop NSS?

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 09:56:08 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 18 Feb 2022, Michael Stahl via curl-library wrote:

> NSS is much preferred over OpenSSL because it has an ABI; you can ship it as
> shared libraries and it's going to work - we are currently shipping NSS but
> it should also work to use it from the system, i attempted to do that some
> time ago but on the RHEL7 baseline it caused some unit test failures so i
> had to abandon that for now.

Sorry, but to me that sounds primarily an argument against (some versions of)
OpenSSL, not a very strong argument in favor of NSS. I would personally rather
push for using another feature-rich alternative, like GnuTLS or wolfSSL.
Libraries that have better future prospects than NSS.

> another advantage of NSS is that we can easily tell it to use the CA and
> user certificates from the user's Mozilla Thunderbird or Firefox profile,
> which is used by LibreOffice's document signature features on GNU/Linux and
> macOS

That's cool, but *could* of course also just be done by (new) code that could
extract that data and provide it to another TLS library. The Mozilla products
are after all (unfortunately) a diminishing user base.

> i believe that the OpenSSL libraries we ship use a hard-coded list of
> built-in trusted CAs, which the user can't modify in any way, but i haven't
> actually checked if that is still the case.

OpenSSL has an API to which you pass in the CA bundle path(s) to use.

> in summary, as a GNU/Linux ISV i like NSS and am sad to see it go.

Thanks for letting us know, as I was totally not aware of your use case.

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Received on 2022-02-21