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Re: Funds, server hosting and more

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 13:08:40 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 18 May 2022, Ray Satiro via curl-library wrote:

> I suggest figure out and then document what the actual expenses are and
> charge for that rather than an arbitrary amount. I'd guess donors won't like
> arbitrary amounts as they're somewhat opaque.

I did not do that because I do not want a discussion about hosting costs.

The server used for most curl services is shared with other services so the
price we [1] pay to our hosting company is not for just curl services. How
large part of a hosting fee is for curl services? It's not an exact science.

Talking "exact hosting costs" will bring the inevitable discussion on how
to host the server cheaper (and I've already received numerous such offers),
while that's not the only factor involved here. Far from it.

You seem to then say none of my time and efforts should be included in the
charge? Why is that?

You guess this is what sponsors want. I talk to sponsors at least every once
in a while and never have I heard such a request from a single one. Why would
sponsors insist on this?

The amount paid for these services is very exact and clear, and the expense is
also publicly visible in curl's Open Collective records [2]. I imagine *that*
is exactly what sponsors (and project memmbers) want? Our promise to sponsors
is to spend the money on activities that benefit the curl project. I strongly
believe this conforms to that promise.

[1] = the server is run and maintained by Haxx AB, the Sweden based company I
co-own with 3 friends. I am the "CEO" of Haxx.

[2] =

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Received on 2022-05-18