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Detecting final WebSocket frame of a fragmented message

From: Paul Fotheringham via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:35:19 +0100


I've been using libcurl for some months now and recently tried to get
WebSocket going in CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY=2L mode. The problem I'm
having is if the server sends a message fragmented over multiple
frames then I cannot work out how I am meant to know when the final
frame of the message is received via curl_ws_recv. Even if it is not
fragmented then I get the whole message but again I guess I don't know
that the message is finished.

My understanding of WebSocket is that only the final frame (might be
the only frame) has the FIN bit set in the header but I see no
corresponding exposure of that in the API and a quick scan of the code
seems to suggest it is not being passed out in any way. The server is
mine too so I may have a bug but at the same time I just don't see how
I'm meant to detect the final frame.

I understand WebSocket support is still experimental so I'm wondering
if I am missing something or if this is just not available yet?

Received on 2023-07-11