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RE: is it posible using websocket API with multi handlers with select?

From: José Luis Zabalza Cestau via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 07:27:06 +0000

Thanks Daniel but I don't think it is a bug. I think something is missing in the code.

I attatch a NODE WebServer example (tar.bz2) using library and a multy-legacy.c modified code.

wssserver.js set up a little web server with two functions
- http://localhost:8080/query return a json object (query data)
- ws://localhost:8080/ws begins a websocket connection. Firstly, it sends a json object (Connection Data) and then it continues periodicaly sending another json object (Periodic data) every second.

multi-legacy-ws.c is a bit complicated. It begins printing a menu and waiting for a keyboard command.

- "q" command exit the application.
- "h" command prints menu.
- "p" command sends a http://localhost:8080/query get request
- "w" command begins a websocket only connection to ws://localhost:8080/ws

multi-legacy-ws.c: has a main while loop waiting for quit command and internaly has a loop waiting for select actions, keyboard or multi curl handlers actions. When a action is found, it gets out of the select loop and it check if is a keyboard action or curl action.

When a curl handler action is found, a curl_multi_info_read() loop begins for get the curl handler actions. If WS handler transfer is complete, the received data is read with curl_ws_recv() function.

Now, I think I have to do something but I don't know what for "reload" the WS handler. I try remove and add WS handler from the multi handler, but don't work.

Thanks for the help.

Note: I am using libcurl 7.88.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

De: Daniel Stenberg <>
Enviado: lunes, 31 de julio de 2023 17:51
Para: José Luis Zabalza Cestau via curl-library <>
Cc: José Luis Zabalza Cestau <>
Asunto: Re: is it posible using websocket API with multi handlers with select?

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On Mon, 31 Jul 2023, José Luis Zabalza Cestau via curl-library wrote:

> My first try was a modified
> example. I can read a command from keyboard, send a http query, and connect
> to websocket, at time but periodic data received form websocket don't wakeap
> the select.

That sounds like a bug!

Do you have a way (for us) to reproduce this? Can to submit this as a new
issue over at ?

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Received on 2023-08-01