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Crash in nw_in_read when client drives SSL sockets

From: Dmitry Karpov via curl-library <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:53:29 +0000

Hi All,

Migrating from 7.84 to 8.5.0, I stepped on some crash regression in some "3rd party" client code, which drives SSL sockets after using libcurl transfer for protocol "upgrade" purposes.
It looks some like some custom WebSocket implementation, which client code uses for different HTTP clients.

The problem happens when something gets wrong with the connection (maybe it is suddenly closed)

The call stack looks like following:

Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0xb647c6ce in Curl_failf (data=0x0, fmt=0xb64a70c8 = "Recv failure: %s") at ../../../../../../os/dist/curl/Carbon14_dev.OBJ/src/lib/curl_trc.c:90
#1 0xb6473e78 in nw_in_read (reader_ctx=0xb43fc928, buf=<optimized out>, len=5, err=0xb43fc964) at ../../../../../../os/dist/curl/Carbon14_dev.OBJ/src/lib/cf-socket.c:866
#2 0xb6475304 in cf_socket_recv (cf=0xb4d10810, data=0x0, buf=0xb4dd6ddb, len=5, err=0xb43fc964) at ../../../../../../os/dist/curl/Carbon14_dev.OBJ/src/lib/cf-socket.c:1414
#3 0xb6498234 in ossl_bio_cf_in_read (bio=0xb4d10560, buf=0xb4dd6ddb, blen=5) at ../../../../../../os/dist/curl/Carbon14_dev.OBJ/src/lib/vtls/openssl.c:763
#4 0xb6240c9c in bread_conv (bio=<optimized out>, data=<optimized out>, datal=<optimized out>, readbytes=0xb43fc9cc) at crypto/bio/bio_meth.c:123
#5 0xb6242bd2 in bio_read_intern (b=0xb4d10560, data=0xb4dd6ddb, dlen=5, readbytes=0xb43fc9cc) at crypto/bio/bio_lib.c:292
#6 0xb6242c70 in BIO_read (dlen=<optimized out>, data=<optimized out>, b=<optimized out>) at crypto/bio/bio_lib.c:318
#7 0xb6242c70 in BIO_read (b=<optimized out>, data=<optimized out>, dlen=<optimized out>) at crypto/bio/bio_lib.c:310
#8 0xb6428ff4 in ssl3_read_n (s=0xb4d527a0, n=5, max=<optimized out>, extend=<optimized out>, clearold=1, readbytes=0xb43fca4c) at ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:293
#9 0xb64299ba in ssl3_get_record (s=0xb4d527a0) at ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:210
#10 0xb64299ba in ssl3_read_bytes (s=0xb4d527a0, type=<optimized out>, recvd_type=<optimized out>, buf=<optimized out>, len=<optimized out>, peek=<optimized out>, readbytes=<optimized out>) at ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1350
#11 0xb64153ea in ssl3_read_internal (s=0xb4d527a0, buf=0xb43fcb68, len=8192, peek=0, readbytes=0xb43fcb1c) at ssl/s3_lib.c:4463
#12 0xb641542e in ssl3_read (s=<optimized out>, buf=<optimized out>, len=<optimized out>, readbytes=<optimized out>) at ssl/s3_lib.c:4486
#13 0xb6418ba2 in SSL_read (s=<optimized out>, buf=<optimized out>, num=<optimized out>) at ssl/ssl_lib.c:1958

It seems that the problem happens when the Curl transfer which originated the WebSocket was suddenly completed (i.e. server closed the connection),
and client maybe does its last read to detect that, and it expects to get -1 from read.

The nw_in_read() function has the error reporting part:

 failf(rctx->data, "Recv failure: %s",
       Curl_strerror(sockerr, buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
 rctx->data->state.os_errno = sockerr;

I think it should be wrapped into if(rctx->data) {} block to avoid crashes when nw_in_read() function is called when some transfer is completed,
and the easy handle is null in the socket filters.

Dmitry Karpov

Received on 2024-01-16