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curl up 2022

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-meet <>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 23:11:09 +0100 (CET)


(cross-posted to curl-library for info, but let's try to keep curl up
discussions on the curl-meet list)

I want to make curl up happen again in 2022, even if I'm terribly late if we
are going to be able to have it in the spring. I hope I'm not the only one who
appreciates an opportunity for a day crammed with lots of curl related topics.

There are many ways to do this and I'm interested in hearing what YOU want.

We can do it online-only like the last two years and then doing it a day in
the spring still seems reasonable and doable. This is the safest and easiest
approach. It worked out pretty good before, even if we miss out the beer
afterwards and that seeing each other "over camera" isn't at all the same
thing as getting together physically.

We can do it physically in a city in Europe. I believe Berlin is still the
next one up. I would also be fine with another city that that is convenient to
travel to for peeps. We've done several European cities before and we know it
works fine.

We can do it physically in a city on the US West coast. We've never done it in
the US before. It would enable USians to attend that didn't really had the
chance before.

Or maybe some other way.

For any "physical-attending" option, we would use the curl fund to sponsor and
entice (frequent) committers to attend. Travel and lodging.

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Received on 2022-03-10