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Re: Printing the URL in the error messages when --fail is passed?

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-users <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2022 23:57:48 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 24 Jul 2022, Bhavin Gandhi via curl-users wrote:

> I'm new to curl code, but based on what we decide, I can help in doing this
> change.

The reason those details are not present in the error messages already, is
that it isn't that clear-cut as to how and when to include what in the error

I'm all for improving them, but it might require some proper thinking and
planning first.

Some questions to ponder:

1. Should the URL be included in all error messages? If not all, which ones?

2. If you use the same URL in multiple places in the cmdline, then how does
the error message differentiate between *which* of the identical URLs it is in
regards to?

3. If there's a file associated with the URL (for example, we upload file A
to URL B), should that file name be included too in error messages? How? In
which error messages?

4. Most error messages come "provided" by the library and the client code only
passes them through. How should the process be to add the URL/file name into
the error message to show?

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Received on 2022-07-24