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Re: Reproducing the release tarballs

From: Daniel Stenberg via curl-library <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 21:52:48 +0100 (CET)

On Sat, 30 Mar 2024, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library wrote:

> For the most recent curl release, my toolset that I believe might affect the
> results include:

Since I do all releases on Debian Linux and they occasionally apply patches
that make them deviate from the upstream versions, it was pointed out to me
that listing the exact Debian package name is probably better and more

Let's generate a docs/ file into the tarball with the details:

The current file the script generates for me looks like this:

--- snip ---
# Release tools

The following tools and their Debian package version numbers were used to
produce this release tarball.

- autoconf: 2.71-3
- automake: 1:1.16.5-1.3
- libtool: 2.4.7-7
- make: 4.3-4.1
- perl: 5.38.2-3.2
- git: 1:2.43.0-1+b1

# Reproduce the tarball

- Clone the repo and checkout the release tag
- Install the same set of tools + versions as listed above

## Do a standard build

- autoreconf -fi
- ./configure [...]
- make

## Generate the tarball

- ./maketgz [version]

-- snip ---

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Received on 2024-03-30